In this video we show you what visible changes the LAUFMAUS® triggers in you and what happens to your posture during the use of LAUFMAUS®.


The LAUFMAUS has many proven positive effects both on your body and your mind.

Relaxation of the hand-shoulder-arm complex

Widened chest & deeper breathing

Minimized stress
on the joints

fascia & muscles

Better blood circulation throughout the entire body

Increased stress resilience, concentration & motivation

"Interdisciplinary know-how from many different scientific and research fields was necessary to turn the development of the LAUFMAUS® from idea to product into reality."

Martin Rutemöller

M.A.-Sports Science
Managing Director & Co-Founder of LAUFMAUS®

LAUFMAUS is more than just a gadget

The LAUFMAUS® is not just a sports device, aid, instrument or tool. Discover what's behind it!

  • General & Sports medicine


    Why you have the function and health of your cardiovascular system in your own hands ...

    Modern medicine is convinced that exercise in the form of running and weekly training keeps the organism fit into old age. A strong cardiovascular system is demonstrably the best guarantee for a long life. Strong muscles and trained joints ensure optimal posture, but the desired positive effects can only occur if the running training is carried out optimally. To achieve this, the body's center of gravity must be balanced. This is the only way to avoid overloading and excessive stress on the joints. From a medical point of view, the human body has several "adjusting screws" for this. On the one hand - like an earthquake-proof skyscraper with a large pendulum installed inside - it stabilizes itself comparably via the internal organs as vibration dampers, and on the other hand via the skeleton, muscles, fasciae, tendons and ligaments. For maximum running stability, many things in the lower and upper body must physiologically work together perfectly:The perfect interplay between the upper and lower body is a prerequisite for good gait and running stability: The innate stabilizers include the popliteus muscle on the back of the knee, the arch of the foot, the sacrum and coccyx, the cervical spine, the neck muscles and, last but not least, the diaphragm, which is responsible for breathing width and the stability of the rib cage. The complexity of the control elements makes it clear how special and unique human body statics have become as a result of the upright gait. Design-related weaknesses in the human body plan are evolutionary compromises of this uprightness, so-called anatomical bottlenecks. This refers to areas in the body where the weight of joints and organs follows the law of gravity and weighs on other areas, constricting them or, in the worst case, hindering their function. The constrictions in the body are connective tissue, joint and positional due to internal organs created in every person by walking upright. Their negative influence on the health and performance of people can be easily influenced. A relaxation of the constrictions by an optimized posture can work wonders.With the LAUFMAUS® in the hands these effects arise almost unconsciously. The body stretches and anatomical constrictions open up. With the hands turned outward and the arms parallel to the body, not only does the chest gain more freedom of movement and allow for deeper breathing, but the organs in the abdominal cavity also have significantly more space to function better during athletic activity. In addition, the cervical spine straightens and the carotid arteries as well as all vessels of the spine up to the spinal cord are relieved.

  • Brain research


    How the brain plays a decisive role when it comes to the correct posture when running ...

    The brain is not without reason the most important organ of the human being. Only the brain has the special ability of neuroplasticity. It is in a constant inner reconstruction, which is never finished.Under this aspect, the sensorimotor influence via the hands to the brain gains an even greater importance. Finger position, hand posture, sensory and motor functions of the hands are disproportionately represented in the brain spatially and as a percentage of the total brain matter. The smallest stimuli on the hands have large effects on the entire body. Countless messages are processed in the brain, which originate from the sensitivity sensors of the palms of the hands.LAUFMAUS® triggers exactly those zones of the hand, which have connections to the unconscious nervous system. This transmission of information directly triggers emotions and images that provide for our inner well-being, but is also responsible for specific physiological reactions such as a change in posture or increased body tension. The brain processes these messages from the hand-arm-shoulder complex and reacts permanently as well as flexibly to these messages accordingly. It has several pathways for this purpose: Nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic channels and chemical messengers. All excitation lines run through redundant biological message systems that regulate themselves independently.Loose, elastic mobility, agility, well-being and an improvement in general motor function thus ultimately also result from the fact that hand contact generates brain contact.

  • Behavioral research


    Why running gets on the nerves of athletes not only sometimes, but always ...

    Neurologists have long known the significant influence of the palms on the human nervous system. It is the sensory qualities of the skin and connective tissues that have a maximum effect on the body. These specific reflex zones are also called maximum points or "points of entry".LAUFMAUS® causes a message to a specific brain area responsible for non-consciously controlled movements in the area of the shoulder, arm and neck via the spinal nerve medianus, which runs through the palm, thumb and index finger.Starting from the hand, the so-called insula is activated via the autonomic nervous system and via the transmission in the spinal cord. This activates regions in the limbic system and stimulates joy, motivation and the will to perform. 

  • Evolutionary research


    What the waddle-like silhouette of some runners has to do with our ancestors, the apes ...

    Our closest relatives in the animal world, the apes, are quadrupeds. About 8 million years ago, our family tree diverged from the apes. With their long forearms and fingers, they are adept at shimmying, crawling and climbing. Due to their narrow pelvis, feet in a flat V-shape and lack of ability to extend their legs, monkeys can only perform a kind of "waddling gait". Humans, on the other hand, developed a completely different physique and center of gravity in the course of their evolution toward an upright gait: fully extendable legs, significantly elongated lower legs, shorter arms, a broad pelvis, and feet with transverse and longitudinal arches. Despite these differences between apes and humans, two similarities are particularly striking: Both species use their front extremities for directional control of the body. The direction in which the hands and head move is the direction of body movement. Head rotation and the posture of the anterior upper extremities are enormously important for the directional stability of all movement patterns.Humans, however, have a significant advantage due to the design of their hands, which only came about as a result of walking upright. Their hands are free and versatile. They are a true multi-tool and are not only used for grasping, holding, catching and defending, but they are also crucial for the position of the shoulder-arm complex and for a functioning body tension.The hands of humans initiate directional control during locomotion and stabilize the gait.

  • Chinese medicine


    Why acupuncture needles and impulses in the palms of the hands are natural whole-body doping for athletes ...

    In acupuncture, an extremely large effect on the internal organs of the person can be achieved via the palms and wrists. In Chinese medicine, these points are used to activate and influence the life and organ energies.Over 17,000 sensory bodies are on and in the hands. They are able to pick up all kinds of stimuli - no matter whether it is the slightest temperature differences, vibrations or movements. This is also the aim of the LAUFMAUS® design. When it is held in the hand, contact is established along the life line and with the extraordinary meridian acupuncture points and the points of the meridian pericardium located there. This sensory effect of acupressure can lead to an improvement in overall vitality and performance.

The Running basics with the LAUFMAUS

In this video, European champion Jan Fitschen shows you different ways to train with the LAUFMAUS to achieve your individual goals.


Sale price

Regular price $79.00

- Ergonomically formed
- Ultralight <67g
- Smooth surface
- 17 patented key-features
- Developed by sport physician
- Made in Germany

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Hand size explanation Up to 16 cm ∅ = small Over 16 cm ∅ = large
Hand size explanation Up to 16 cm ∅ = small Over 16 cm ∅ = large